Vocal fold paralysis

Vocal cord paralysis, laryngeal paralysis or recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis 

Unilateral vocal cord paralysis, unilateral vocal fold paralysis

This condition usually occurs as a result of neck surgery (e.g., thyroid, spine), less commonly without an identifiable cause (idiopathic), or in the context of viral infections, injuries, or neurological disorders. Hoarseness (breathiness) of the voice is the primary symptom of the condition, as incomplete closure of the vocal folds during phonation leads to air leakage. The diagnosis can be easily made through laryngoscopy. If the cause is unknown, associated nerve pathologies should be ruled out. Since the prognosis of functional recovery is difficult to assess, we perform a laryngeal electromyography (EMG) examination under local anesthesia to estimate the potential for recovery and often combine it with early augmentation (volumetric enhancement of the vocal folds) using hyaluronic acid.

Treatment for unilateral vocal cord paralysis:

Early augmentation (under local anesthesia or general anesthesia) with a self-dissolving material (hyaluronic acid) combined with speech therapy allows for early restoration of vocal function. After 4-6 months, there may be either a return of movement or regrowth of nerve fibers (reinnervation) that at least preserves the vocal fold volume. This enables most patients to achieve a functional voice result suitable for everyday use. If reinnervation does not occur, we are one of the few centers in Europe that perform surgical reinnervation using a donor nerve.

In addition, we offer the entire spectrum of surgical voice rehabilitation options, such as permanent augmentation, thyroplasty (operative vocal fold repositioning, including the latest VOIS® implant, allowing for subsequent fine-tuning of vocal fold position), and arytenoid adduction (repositioning of the arytenoid cartilage).

Bilateral vocal cord paralysis, vocal fold paralysis

Bilateral paralysis is fortunately very rare and is usually the result of multiple neck surgeries. The main complaint of affected patients is difficulty breathing during physical exertion, and sometimes even at rest. Initially, the voice is often weak, and there may be aspiration (swallowing into the airway) during drinking. As reinnervation sets in after 4-6 months, breathing difficulties may intensify, especially if no movement recovery occurs on at least one side. Without treatment, there is a life-threatening situation that can worsen during infections.

Treatment for bilateral vocal cord paralysis:

The goal of treatment for bilateral vocal cord paralysis is to alleviate the patient's breathing difficulties by partially restoring the air passage through the larynx. However, complete expansion of the larynx can impair vocal function. Therefore, all standard therapies aim to expand the posterior third of the larynx using CO2 laser. By removing parts of the arytenoid cartilage and the posterior third of the vocal fold, a compromise between preserving vocal function and improving breathing can be achieved. If it is a temporary displacement of a vocal fold, we offer a lateral fixation using an endoscopic thread technique. We work closely with colleagues in Gera to explore new dynamic treatment options for regaining at least partial mobility of the vocal folds. This laryngeal pacing project should only be available within the framework of clinical studies in the coming years.

Voice Paralysis Patient Testimonials:


Very qualified informative conversation, thorough examination and treatment. Dr. Nasr demonstrates high professional competence. He is very friendly,

Schedule an appointment

To make an appointment, you can reach us by phone at 01752920000, contact us via WhatsApp, or send us an email at contact@thevoiceclinic.de.

Alternatively, you can also visit us directly (please make an appointment in advance):

TheVoice Clinic

Medical Center for Voice Disorders, Swallowing Difficulties, Respiratory Diseases, and Laser Therapy

Dr. med. A. Nasr

Bahnhofstraße 22

71034 Böblingen

We look forward to helping you!