Vocal fold nodules 

also known as vocal cord nodules, singer's nodules, or scream nodules

Vocal cord nodules can develop when the voice is strained or overused for an extended period. They are thickened areas on the vocal cords, similar to calluses, and are most commonly found in women and children. In children, they are one of the most common causes of hoarseness. Usually, vocal cord nodules do not have serious consequences.

But how do these vocal cord nodules develop? / Causes of vocal cord nodules

They form in individuals who excessively strain their voice, such as through excessive or loud speaking, which is often the case for teachers, singers, and call center employees. Children can also experience what is known as scream nodules, but these often resolve on their own once puberty is reached. The main trigger for the development of singer's nodules is overloading of the vocal cords.

What are the symptoms of vocal cord nodules?

The typical symptoms of vocal cord nodules include:

Singers are particularly affected, as with vocal cord nodules, they may struggle to sustain notes for a long time and cannot exert their voice as effectively.


In most cases, reducing vocal strain and conservative therapy are sufficient to treat vocal cord nodules. Therefore, voice therapy (speech therapy) to improve vocal technique is recommended. Surgery is only necessary in exceptional cases and can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, using a blue laser.

Stimmbandknötchen, Stimmlippenknötchen, Sängerknötchen, Schreiknötchen

Scream nodules or vocal cord nodules in childhood 

Schedule an appointment

To make an appointment, you can reach us by phone at 01752920000, contact us via WhatsApp, or send us an email at contact@thevoiceclinic.de.

Alternatively, you can also visit us directly (please make an appointment in advance):

TheVoice Clinic

Medical Center for Voice Disorders, Swallowing Difficulties, Respiratory Diseases, and Laser Therapy

Dr. med. A. Nasr

Bahnhofstraße 22

71034 Böblingen

We look forward to helping you!