Hoarseness of voice (Dysphonia)
Definitely go to a Laryngologist (specialist for voice disorders) or an ear, nose and throat doctor if you have been hoarse for three weeks. Laryngeal cancer needs to be ruled out.
Why do people actually become hoarse? (Causes of hoarseness)
There are many triggers for hoarseness. One wonders whether it is an organic change in the vocal cords (organic dysphonia) or a functional disorder (functional dysphonia). Usually, a hoarse voice is caused by an infection. Acute infections cause inflammation, and the vocal cords swell. However, other causes can also be behind it, such as:
Overuse of the voice through singing, screaming, or professions that require a lot of speaking
Chemical irritations or negative environmental influences such as car exhaust fumes
Heartburn (reflux, acid reflux)
Allergies or side effects of certain medications
Functional disorder (functional dysphonia)
Organic changes, such as nodules, polyps, cysts, Reinke's edema, and cancer
Hormonal changes
Psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, and depression often cause voice disorders or hoarseness (psychogenic dysphonias).
Can I clear my throat if I'm hoarse?
No, that would not be a good idea. Clearing your throat puts a lot of strain on your vocal cords.
Home remedies for hoarseness/ What can I do myself?
If it is a harmless hoarseness, there are some remedies and strategies to relieve the symptoms:
Inhalation with physiological saline solution or sage over the pot or with a cold nebulizer (do not use chamomile, as it dries out).
Breathe through your nose as much as possible, as this will humidify the air.
Drink a lot, for example, warm tea.
A hot milk with honey is also very pleasant for the voice.
Moisturize the room air with a humidifier or hang up damp laundry.
Rest your voice. Pressed whispering is not recommended. If you have to talk, speak in a normal voice.
Articulated exhalation is very gentle on the voice (move your mouth when exhaling as if you were talking, but without making a sound).
Avoid clearing your throat.
Do not smoke.
How long does hoarseness last?
The symptoms of acute hoarseness usually go away on their own after a few days. However, if you have been hoarse for three weeks, you should definitely see a phoniatrician (specialist for voice disorders) or an ear, nose and throat doctor to rule out laryngeal cancer.
Hoarseness: What helps immediately/ How to get rid of hoarseness quickly?
In certain exceptional cases, for example, if you have to give a lecture, it may be desirable to improve your voice quickly. Certain medications or inhalations could help, but you should contact Dr. Nasr for advice under medical supervision.
Hormonal changes in women and hoarseness during menopause
Women sometimes experience hoarseness during pregnancy or menstruation. Hormonal changes sometimes cause the mucous membrane on the vocal cords to thicken. Pregnant women sometimes have a lump in their throat as well. During menopause, the female hormones estrogen and progesterone decrease while the testosterone level increases. Tissue dryness is a primary symptom of menopause and can affect the vocal cords, leading to a deeper and hoarser voice than before.
Voice training and relaxation techniques have a positive effect on the voice.
Further reading:
You can find more information on this topic in the following article:
Appointment Scheduling
To schedule an appointment, you can reach us by phone at 01752920000, contact us via WhatsApp, or send us an email at contact@thevoiceclinic.de.
Alternatively, you can also visit us directly (please make an appointment in advance):
TheVoice Clinic
Medical Center for Voice Disorders, Swallowing Difficulties, Respiratory Diseases, and Laser Therapy
Dr. med. A. Nasr
Bahnhofstraße 22
71034 Böblingen
We look forward to assisting you!